Description : SPiKeS-T (SuperPixel-Keypoints Structure Tracker) is a model-free tracker I developed during my master of research. In a video, the target to follow is only defined by a bounding box in the first frame. The goal is to track that target in each frame of the video. The method I proposed is based on superpixels, keypoints and voting strategy. A paper is currently in review but it can already be downloaded here.

Context : Master's project at Polytechnique Montreal.

Tools : C++, OpenCV and CUDA.

Source code : https://github.com/fderue/SPIKES


The target is represented by a Spikes-based model. A Spikes is a modified superpixel linked with surrounding keypoints to result in a structure easy to match.


Each spikes of the model looks for a match in the current frame. This video shows consistent matches as the red lines are parallel.


Each spikes votes for the target's center location. As each spikes is independent, even if some of them are hidden, the other ones can still vote to locate the target.

Tracking Results

Our tracker is able to handle deformable and occluded objects.